Why I’m Happy I Went to Notre Dame (Despite my Mountains of Debt)


Literally, the cost of my college education is equivalent to the small mountain of student debt I will be paying back forever. Even despite this astronomical cost (that I am now just beginning to fully grasp) the value and benefits of my time at Notre Dame far exceed the monetary cost of attendance. (bold statement right?)

There is something about a collection of young, curious, intelligent, inquisitive minds that is priceless. This environment provides endless opportunities for new ideas to be explored. Both academic and otherwise: from carefully analyzed theories on who the starting QB would be, to intense debates on social justice, and conversations regarding the physics of time travel. Participation in this kind of community provides an educational experience that goes far beyond simple text book and classroom learning.

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Play Like a Champion

Six months ago, I was devastated to find out that the most formidable woman I have ever met had unexpectedly passed away.

I’ve been thinking for a while about how to approach writing this post and I’m still not sure that I can do it justice, but it feels appropriate to try.

Six months ago, I, no, the world, lost Cathy.

I’m not even sure how to put into words what Cathy was to me. Our relationship was complicated. And tense at times.

She didn’t accept incompetence, and she never once let me off the hook. Cathy didn’t take crap from anyone, ever. Nothing made her angrier that a student walking into her office and spinning some bullsh*t tale about why they just couldn’t be an engineer. Cathy respected hard work. Plain and simple, in her eyes, it seemed nothing worth doing was simple. Continue reading

Dear Gentlemen

Dear Gentleman,

Being back at Notre Dame this weekend was amazing. I saw so many friends and had so much fun tailgating. We got to our seats, so very far away from the field. And I sat down. Next to you.

Trying to be friendly to fellow Notre Dame fans, at half time I made conversation with you. And I told you about my blog. Partly because you seemed like nice people, partly because I want people to read what I have to say. You asked me the name of it and I was happy to give it to you. I enjoy having a public forum, I’m aware that strangers can read what I post on here. I’m careful about what I say for that very reason.

I was flattered that you were willing to at least take the time to check it out. And thanks to modern technology you were immediately able to navigate to my blog page.

Not more than 5 minutes later you get my attention to show me an image, ripped from my About page that, again thanks to modern technology, you were able to edit is a sexually graphic manner. I was appalled, and as I was recoiling in mild horror, you sniggered to your selves. You sneered and told me that anyone could access what I post on the internet. Thanks for the newsflash, no one has ever told me that before. And maybe I should vet my readers.

You threatened to post this image on Google.

You fundamentally violated my dignity and disrespected me. It was entirely unnecessary to edit my photo in that manner.

You made me consider taking down my blog. But I decided otherwise. Even if its silly, this blog is important to be me and will remain intact.

You made me realize again, that no matter how intelligent, or well spoken, or dignified I feel in the eyes of some I can be so easily reduced to a sexual object.

And I’m not OK with that.


To Think and To Drink

I went to a school that loves to think. To think, and write, and converse…. and drink.

And when we drink, we laugh, and cry, and cheer, and think. We talk, and think. And I love it.

I love that I can go to a dive bar with 300 of my closest friends; Because who else is in a dive bar in tiny college town?

A school where we discuss religion, and philosophy, and politics, and science. At lunch, over coffee, over 3am pizza after the bar closes.

I went to a school that will always be home, with people who will always be family.

I went to a school where I met some of the most driven, intelligent, ridiculous, dorky, amazing people I have ever known.

And I am so lucky.

And I can’t wait to go back. GO Irish, Beat Texas!